The DIY Immersive Laserpointer (or, the Pinoochio Technique)

May 25, 2009

pointing presenter

Anyone who has presented, trained, or demonstrated a tool within an immersive environment knows just how difficult it can often be to reference a specific position when communicating to others.  There is no simple physical world equilivant to pointing your arm and hand, or using a laser pointer to highlight focus.

Although I have just released a 3D Pointer tool, I also wanted to provide a simple, but limited in functionality, alternative for those do-it-yourselfers (or cheapskates) out there.

Here’s a quick tutorial on how to make your own laserpointer for the SecondLife & OpenSim immersive environments:

1.  First, create (rez) a cone.

Laser Pointer 1

2. Now, increase the height SIZE of the cone (the Z axis) to about 5 meters.

Laser pointer height 2

3. With the mouse, RIGHT CLICK on the object, and from the Pie Menus select MORE>, ATTACH>, HEAD>, NOSE.  This will attach the object to your nose.  This will replace anything you are currently have attacked to your nose (for example, a specialized avatar component).

Laser Pointer attach 3

4.  Laugh at how silly you look.

Laser Pointer funny 4

5.  Right click on the object and select EDIT.  Adjust the ROTATION of the Y AXIS to 90 degrees.  The object should now be pointing forward (still silly looking).

Laser Pointer rotate 5

6.  Finally, lets reposition it.  Notice the BLUE, GREEN, & RED axis arrows running though it?  Click & hold on the RED arrow then slide it forward.  Click & hold on the BLUE arrow then slide it down so the object is almost level with your chest.

Laser pointer adjust 6

YOU ARE DONE.  Try it out by moving your mouse around.  Notice how the pointer now points toward where your mouse is located.  You should probably rename the object (so you can find it easier in your inventory) and maybe change the color or texture.  Just detach when finished.  If you want to use it again, RIGHT CLICK on the object in your inventory & choose WEAR.

For those of you that might need a more flexible pointer (one not attached to your avatar, that can easily point out exact positions within the environment, and that multiple people can easily share use), you might checkout my newly released 3D Pointer.

The 3DPointer

March 29, 2009


What exactly does it do?

It helps the user visually identify exact positions within the immersive environment.  When activated, it points exactly where the user’s camera is focused.  The owner clicks on any part of the pointer to activate and deactivate.  I’ve found this little tool extremely useful during my immersive in-world events, meetings, and product demonstrations.

Owners can access the Admin menu (via the  logo button) to set the pointer to “Owner Only” or “Collaborative” modes.  In collaboration mode, anyone can click on the tool to use.


To Purchase:

Visit the ReactionGrid Shop or contact me directly

PERMS:  no copy/no mod/no transfer

If you would like information on other existing facilitation tools, custom virtual tool development, or virtual event consulting, please contact:  Jeff  at  reactiongrid  dot  com

Immersive Collaboration Toolbox

January 4, 2009

Having the right tools for the right job not only saves time, energy and money, but most importantly improves the quality of the end product.  I developed these tools to improve collaboration within the Second Life and Open Sim immersive environments.  All are designed to address specific needs, to be easily operated, and to be very easy to learn.

1.  Attitudometer

The Attitudometer

2.  BrainBoard

3.  Ideaographer


4.  3DPointer


5.  Name Tag
